Thursday, June 2, 2011

Our Last Day

Karoke was a success last night. Even though Amanda and Tra were the main karoke stars, we all got into it and had some fun. It was so nice meeting Bic last night and those of you headed to Vietnam in July/August for the orphanage trip are going to have so much fun with her. Ming was the man last night, hanging out with 6 ladies and had fun singing karoke too.

Today we got to sleep in a little, which was wonderful, especially since we have a full day here before we start our 24 hour trip home. I just finished my last jog around the lake and will miss seeing everyone working out. It's amazing how active everyone is around here and that would explain why I haven't seen one person that's overweight. I've seen a wide variety of workouts: tai chi, badmition, massage lines, walking/jogging, workouts with sticks/swords/cloth flowers on strings and there's probably a lot more that I'm forgetting or haven't seen yet. It just makes me so happy to see how active everyone is.

This morning we're headed to Joma for breakfast, where they have some delicious coffee and food. I'm looking forward to getting another London Fog (Earl Grey and vanilla latte)--I hope we have this back in the States or I may need to get my own latte machine, so I can keep having them.

After breakfast it will be time for shopping with Amanda and Tra. I'm so happy that Tra is going to go with us and help us do some bargaining. Everything is so reasonable I feel guilty to bargain for a lower price, but I guess that's what they expect. I'm glad that Amanda has figured out how to count Dong (Vietnamese currency) because it still confuses me. Two nights ago I paid for dinner and it was 880,000. Can you imagine seeing that amount on your restaurant bill in the States--oh my! 100,000 dong is equal to 5 US dollars and I think the bills go as low as 1,000 dong, which would equal something (my brain hurts already trying to figure it out).

Alrighty, I think that's all for now. But I'm pretty sure we will post more before we leave and probably from the airport in Korea since we have a 5 hour layover.

Thanks for following the blog and I will have lots of pictures to post when I get home for your viewing pleasure.


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